Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy Roadmap and Trophy Guide
Estimated trophy difficulty: 2/10
Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25-40 hours
Offline Trophies: 49 (1
, 3
, 7
, 38
Online Trophies: 0 (There is no online mode/multiplayer)
Number of missable trophies: No missable trophies.
Glitched trophies: 0
Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, you can play on Easy if you want.
Minimum Playthroughs: 1
Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, the game gives you the option to return back to just before the final boss and roam free to get the remaining trophies or start a New Game+.
Release Date: Jan 29, 2021 (December 3, 2020 Initial Release)
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh operating systems.
NOTE: PS4 and PS5 save files are not transferable sadly, they are treated as two different games with separate trophies, so don’t expect to transfer your progress to PS5 sadly.
Start the game on any difficulty (easy/normal recommended) and play through the story (fully complete Ruins if you can), gather materials and keep creating new items as you unlock more recipes either through story or from the Skill Tree.
Try to complete the Quest Board quests (citizens) as they are fairly easy and the game literally guides you to the objectives (learn to deal with a lot of cut scenes).
Always press Options/Start to see where you need to go next, it will help you when you are stuck in story progression or need to complete the Party member events.
Focus on upgrading the Gathering Tools through Synthesizing better versions with better quality and through Skill Tree, as well as beat any new monster you see cause it can make your life easier whenever you want a material to create a recipe as you can check the monster guide and see the item drops.
Whatever material you don’t need or have too much of then give them to Romy in the market or convert them into Gems (if you have the Gem Reduction unlocked).
Don’t start New Game+, use free roam after beating the game to clear any remaining trophy.
You can raise the Puni that will be at your home when you progress through the story but i recommend keeping that for later as you will have much better items and you can increase its level way faster, the Puni is needed to get the Accessories.
When you beat the game, don’t start New Game+ yet as a new secret boss will be unlocked and you have to beat him for platinum. To make this boss easy then you need to get the best equipment’s (keep unlock their corresponding recipes until you get to the last one) and items created through Evolution Link.

Secret Fairy
Obtained all trophies.
Awarded after obtaining all other trophies in the game.

Crossing the Sea
Crossed the ocean and reached the continent.
This will be the first trophy you get after stepping out of the ferry and into the unknown land.

My Alchemy!
Synthesized an item for the first time.
You will get this trophy as a part of the story progress where you will synthesize an item for the first time (part of the tutorial).

Mysterious Creature…?
Met Fi.

Forgotten Ruins
Discovered the Maiden’s Catacombs crystal.

Submerged Star
Discovered the Sunken City of Stars crystal.

Fire People’s Workshop
Discovered the Ancient Mana Workshop crystal.

Misty Forest
Discovered the Mirage Land crystal.

Into the Dragon’s Belly
Discovered the Dragonbone Valley crystal.

Again, Another Day
Obtained an everlasting treasure on a grand adventure.

Best Friends Forever
Completed all of Klaudia’s character events.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Erster Central District
Throughout the game you will get certain tasks from your friends, usually if you press the Options
you will see your story progress “Main Quest” and the quests given to your by your friends.
Usually its cut scenes after cut scenes, you will see their icons near the name of the areas (this indicates the location you need to visit for their quest progress).
Complete these events to get their trophies and usually they are very easy to do.

One Dependable Bro
Completed all of Lent’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Cafe

Overflowing Passion
Completed all of Tao’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Weisheit Academy District

Courage by Your Side
Completed all of Patricia’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Abelheim Manor

True Treasure
Completed all of Clifford’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Rauch Artisan District
If you are lost on this then most probably its the Water Spirits Sanctuary area.
Go to the Norther Lands, Red Cliff and at the top right corner of the map where there is a fishing spot you will find a door inside that lake, it will take you to Water Spirits Sanctuary area.
In that area you will see Clifford and complete his final event.

Budding Friendship
Completed all of Serri’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Klares Farming District

Back to Normal
Completed all of Bos’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Weisheit Academy District

Drawing a Crowd
Completed all of Zephine’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Cafe

We’ll Win Next Time!
Completed all of Dennis’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Dennis Workshop

Romy the Merchant
Completed all of Romy’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Erster Central District

Plentiful Harvest
Completed all of Cassandra’s character events.
See “Best Friends Forever” trophy.
Location: Ashra-am Baird – Klares Farming District

Beyond the Cliff
Found the Emerald Band.
You will craft the Emerald Band and it is used for the jumps that require a rope.

Riding on Your Back
Found the Spirit Beast Whistle.

Deeper, Deeper!
Created an Air Drop.

Eternal Torch
Obtained the Mana Lantern.

City Superstar!
Earned max reputation with all groups.
As part of the story you will be introduced to the Bulletin Board found in the cafe.
This board has the requests of the citizens, complete their requests to increase your reputation (3 stars max).
Those are usually very easy, finding and delivering items or beating monsters…etc.
The ones that have (+Reputation) stamp will further increase your completion progress.
You can check your progress if press Triangle
> Quests and press R2 or L2
to go to the Citizens quests and see your progress.
Check the Board whenever you are done with a new area as most likely you will have the items for the requests.
NOTE: If you complete a certain groups requests then i recommend not wasting your materials by completing more of their requests.

Decoration Master
Obtained all decoration items.
There are 5 decoration items in the game, which are obtained from the side quests and shops. The first decoration item Rental Home is already unlocked so you need to get the remain 4 items.
– 2 Decoration items from Shops
– Rauch Artisan District Shop – Tailor’s Soul (Casual Interior “4000 Cole”)
– Erster Central District Shop – Lord of Wood (Country Side Interior “400 Cole”)
– 2 Decoration items from Side Quests
– Requester: Rauch Artisan District Cucarissa (Rustic Interior)
– Deliver Bomb (x4)
– Requester: Rauch Artisan District Maid (Arid Region Interior)
– Deliver Air Drop (x3)
You can change them from the Diary and these can give stats and change the weather of the game.

Accessory Collector
Obtained all decoration accessories.
The Decoration Accessories are obtained from side quests, shops and the Puni you are raising at home.
The Puni will unlock as a part of story progression, which can be feed and sent out.
The food given to him will effect the stats that he has and depending on those stats his shape changes as well as the items he brings back.
The Puni will get back if you sleep, most likely the Puni Decoration Accessories will be the last items you need for this trophy.
NOTE: The Weasal Roast & Lamb Roast Decoration Accessories don’t count for this trophy.

Top-Notch Adventurer
Obtained all gathering and adventure tools.
There are 4 Gathering Tools:
– Grass Sickle (Silent Sickle)
– Woodcutters Axe (Golden Axe)
– Bug Net (Master Bug Net)
– Bomb Rod (Blue Bomb Rod)
There are 6 Adventuring Tools:
– Emerald Band
– Spirit Beast Whistle
– Air Drop
– Mana Lantern
– Fishing Rod (Divine Fishing Rod)
– Wind Shoes
Make sure you unlock the Evolved Versions of those tools such as Divine Fishing Rod, Blue Bomb Rod and so on.

Guided by the Compass
Collected all Ruin Fragments and Memory Vestiges.
See “100% Mystery Solver” trophy.

100% Mystery Solver
Completed all ruins in the Exploration Diary.
The main story of the game is based on you exploring ruins and finding Ruin Fragments, Ruin Crystals, and Memory Vestiges to complete your researches.
Whenever you reach a Ruin, i recommend finding all Ruin Crystals “Purple”, Ruin Fragments “Blue”, and Memory Fragments “Yellow”. Sometimes if you are lost then go pick up all Big Treasure Boxes and the beat all Formidable enemies as these sometimes can be Ruin Fragments.
Then when all is done, go to the Exploration Diary and start analyzing the Ruins and if you are stuck midway then Analyze whatever you gathered in the ruins through Exploration Diary as sometimes they provide you with necessary recipes required for game progress and completing the ruins.

Seasoned Alchemist
Created a level 99 item.
To create a Level 99 you need to have Item Rebuild unlocked (part of story progression) and unlocked extra Item Rebuild levels from the Skill Tree.
The steps to get a level 99 item are as follow:
– Create any item using any material (Synthesize).
– Go to Item Rebuild (Cauldron)
– Chose the item you synthesized and start adding material into it (fill the loops)
– Item level increases as you fill it with more material (top right corner), keep filling until it reaches Level 99.
You can use any item that you have created previously and you will not be able to use this Level 99 if you Character level is lower than 99. So save before wasting materials, just get the trophy and reload the save file.
This item level 99 has no extra benefit beside letting you increase the quality and filling all the loops especially when your creation quantity is low.

Breaking the Limit
Created an item with 999 quality.
This should come automatically if you have raised the level of your gathering tools.
The first thing you should focus is raising the level of your Gathering Tools and further enhance them through Item Rebuild so they are maxed in terms of Gathering, Rare Item, Traits and Quality.
Now whenever you create items, always choose high quality items that you have obtained, this will increase the overall quality of the item you are synthesizing.
For example lets say i create a normal Woodcutter Axe with high quality material then i can use this high quality item to create the Golden Woodcutter Axe which will further increase its level.
If you still don’t get a 999 quality item then use Essences when synthesizing items as it will open up more slots/abilities which will increase the quality and also when all is done you can use Item Rebuild to try and get to 999 quality.
But like i said earlier, this should come automatically when you upgrade your Gathering Tools to MAX.

Stronger and Stronger!
Created an Evolved Item.
This is done through Evolution Link by combing two items to create a new item, this can be unlocked from the Skill Tree after you get the Multiplicauldron.
See “How to get all Evolution Link Items” page.

Essence User
Used an essence during synthesis.
See “Elemental Master” trophy.
An Essence can be used by pressing Triangle on a Material Loop and using one of the created Essences and then synthesize the item to unlock this trophy.
Essences are created through Multiplicauldron.

Elemental Master
Used all essences.
There are 7 Essences in the game:
– 4 Elemental Material Loop Essences which will increase the level of the Loop (Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Wind).
– Aurora Essence which increases the quality of all materials added to all Material Loops by 100%
– Aether Essence which increases the Element Value of all materials added to all Material Loops by 100%.
– Celestial Essence which increases the number of material slots recovered when recipe is altered by 1.
These can be created through the Mutiplicauldron once you have unlocked Essence through the Skill Tree.
Creating them requires Gems and Mists which are obtained through Gem Reduction, though you can get Mist from battles as well.
This trophy will unlock once you have created all 7 essences and if it doesn’t unlock there then try to use them when synthesizing items.
You can use 2 Elemental Material Loops (Small Essence) on two different Material Loops per item and one of the Big Essences (Aurora, Aether and Celestial).

Alchemy Compilation
Unlocked all alchemy skills in the Skill Tree.
This trophy will be unlock once you unlock everything in the Skill Tree.
This will be late in the game as you need a lot of SP points but fear not as creating any item or new recipes will get you a lot of SP points so near the end of the game you will have way more than enough to unlock all.
Just keep unlocking Skill as you earn points and make sure you unlock the +SP points skills as soon as you can as you will gain more SP per item or new recipe creation.

Core Element Released!
Unlocked a Core Element.
Each of the characters have one Core Element unlocked from the two total.
To unlock the second Core Element then from the Menu Items you need to go to Core Items, Modify Core Crystals and Unlock the second Core Element by paying 2000 Shards (Its the diamond shaped with a lock on it).
NOTE: Shards can be obtained from battles.

Puni Master
Raised a rare Puni.
To get Puni Master trophy, you need to change the blue Puni into a big Puni, such as ( Abyss Puni or Rafflesia Puni or Shining Puni,). This is done by feeding the Puni certain items to increase its stats such as ( Constitution, Luster, and Mood). Depending on these stats the Puni will be evolved into Big puni, and you will get the trophy (Puni Master).
Abyss Puni:
Item can be given ( Degenesis Stone B Rank or Amber Crystal Rank B ) :
Puni Level : 80 to 89 ( feed-able item food (9)
Requirement :
Constitution ( 0 – 10 ) require for Abyss Puni.
Luster ( 0 – 10 ) require for Abyss Puni.
Mood ( 0 – 10 ) require stats for Abyss Puni.
Blue Puni turn to Abyss Puni for require stats, ( Constitution – ( 0 – 10 ) Luster ( 0 – 10 ) Mood ( 0 – 10 ).
Rafflesia Puni:
Item can be given ( Red Neutralizer S Rank ) :
Puni Level : 80 to 89 ( feed-able item food (9)
Requirement :
Constitution ( 0 – 10 ) require for Rafflesia Puni.
Luster ( 90 – 100 ) require for Rafflesia Puni.
Mood ( 90 – 100 ) require for Rafflesia Puni.
Blue Puni turn to Rafflesia Puni for require stats, ( Constitution – ( 0 – 10 ) Luster ( 90 – 100 ) Mood ( 90 – 100 ).
Gold Puni:
Item can be given ( Arc En Ciel Rank S or Gold Puniball, or item which does increases Luster 100 stats ) :
Puni Level : 80 to 89 ( feed-able item food (9)
Requirement :
Constitution ( 0 – 20 ) does not matter.
Luster ( 95 – 100 ) for require to turn Gold Puni.
Mood ( 0 – 20 ) does not matter.
( first when need to turn Blue Puni into Gold Puni, than we can turn into Shining Puni ).
Shining Puni
Item can be given ( Spirit Bottle Rank s or any item which increase all stats together up – to 100 ) :
Puni Level : 80 to 89 ( feed-able item food (9)
Requirement :
Constitution ( 95 – 100 ) require stats.
Luster ( 95 – 100 ) require stats.
Mood ( 95 – 100 ) require stats.
( you must turn Blue Puni into Gold Puni one time, otherwise this does not work, if you did, than you can able to turn into Shining Puni ).
Skill tree – Neutralizer – (Red Neutralizer)
Skill tree – Mixing oil – Alchemy Paint – (Spirit Bottle)
Skill tree – Polishing Powder – Pearl Crystal – Amber Crystal – Spirinite – Saint’s Diamond – (Arc En Ciel)
Degenesis Stone ( found glass flower forest area or southern outskirt area – you need to use axe found in Yellow big crystal ).
Gold Puniball ( Found in northern lands – Water Spirit Sanctuary – Goldpuni will drop item, also found in south outskirts – in abandoned mines railway).

Great Business
Maximized the Development Level of any category.
You will get this trophy once you fully develop any item/material category from Romy.
Go to her in Ashra-am Baird – Erster Central District and give her items until one of the categories is fully maxed.

Giant Hunter
Defeated a giant enemy.
Those are giant monster/enemy icons “Formidable” found on the map. They are Giant versions of common enemy monsters in the surrounding map.
You need to win a battle against, the first one you might notice is in Meeresbrise Highway as soon as you start the game.
Its a Giant Puni and very easy to beat as well.

Shadow Exorcism
Defeated an enemy shrouded in darkness.
They are similar to Formidable enemies except they are covered with dark smoke and has red eyes, these are found in Ruins and will only be visible once the memory gathering is initiated.
They will be part of the Memory gathering and they are represented by the same icon as the Formidable enemy on the map.
Beat one of them and you will get the trophy.

Fatal Rush!
Unleashed all Fatal Drives.
Fatal Drives are special moves for your characters, they will unlock once a character reaches level 50.
All of the 5 main characters must perform a Fatal Drive in a battle at least once for this trophy to unlock.
Ryza: Grand Chariot
Klaudia: White Requiem
Lent: Einzelkampf
Tao: Ultimate Misty Moon
Patricia: Flawless Desire
Clifford: Absolute Cage
Serri: Eternity Bloom
I always kept one character as a back up and used my favorite party to play and swapped it when a Fatal Drive was available to use. This way i ensured i am playing with my own favorite party members and playing the game normally and achieve the conditions of this trophy.
To get a Fatal Drive, then what you have to raise your Tactics Level to level 5 in a battle to be able to use it.
Keep using Skills until the Tactics Level bar fills to ma, the game will prompt you to use Fatal Drive by holding “
” Circle button.
You can swap characters and let any one of your party members to use their Fatal Drive as Tactics Level is shared in a battle, though take note that you can only use it once per battle.
NOTE: If Fatal Drive prompt vanishes then don’t worry, just do a normal attack and it will Prompt back again. Also press the “
” Up button for an Aggressive play as it will fill the Tactics Level bar much faster when your party members perform skills.

New Super Move
Activated all Core Drives.
You will be introduced to the Core Drives as you progress through the story and they can be unlocked from the Skill Tree.
Those are special moves that require certain Core Charge (CC) and specific items to be activated, its basically inflicting your party or the monsters with a combination of items (Bombs, Healing items..etc).
There are a total of 10 Core Drives and you need to use each one of them at least once in a battle.
You can equip them from the Core Items menu.
Each Core Drive requires certain items to be activated and it says which items are those, so you need to equip them along with the Core Drive into a battle.

Ancient Ruler
Defeated the Legendary Monarch.
End Game Boss

Final Bastion
Defeated the Last Sentinel.
This is an special boss that will unlock after beating the game. Its much tougher than the original game and its located in the same Ruins (Ethereal Dragons Coffin – Spirits Tomb).
You will see a Teleportation Device that was on the left side of the map that was inactive before beating the Final Boss.
This Teleportation Device will take you the Last Sentinel.
NOTE: If you open the map you will actually see its icon (Top Left side of the map).