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Revenant Preeminent
Earn all trophies.

Gift Gatherer
Learn 150 Gifts (excluding those learned when acquiring a blood code)
Each blood code has gifts, some of which are already unlocked (these do not count) and others require Haze to be unlocked. Some blood codes have Deficient Gifts that require Memory Restoration via Io (Vestige) first and then can be unlocked with Haze.
The late blood code gifts are very expensive to unlock so you might need to Farm Haze in the later levels such as the Provisional Government Centre. We need to learn/unlock 150 gifts to get the trophy, i suggest doing this when you have finished the game a 3rd time and are grinding for the Exalted Reputation Trophy as not only you will get Haze to unlock these gifts but also get Awake items which you can use to inherit these!

Determiner of Fate
View every ending
The game has 4 endings, 2 of which can be done in one playthrough so all you need to is to finish the game 3 times.
1st Playthrough (Dweller in the Dark Trophy- Good Ending):
– Restore the memories of all successors without restoring Io’s memories (Eos Vestiges) and beat the final boss (The Virgin Born).
The game will put you back in the Main Base, touch the door behind where the Mistle was used to be and watch the cutscene.
– Now you are back again in the main base and the Mistle is there, find all Eos Vestiges and restore Io’s memories and then beat the Final Boss again and watch the cutscenes.
ALL COMPLETED FOR PLAYTHROUGH 1 (Touch the door now to start NEW GAME+, choose same difficulty to make things easier for you).
2nd Playthrough (To Eternity Trophy – Neutral Ending):
– Save at least one successor by restoring their memories (Successor of the Breath or any of the other Successors whose vestiges are easy to find) and finish the game.
ALL COMPLETED FOR PLAYTHROUGH 2 (Touch the door now to start NEW GAME+, choose same difficulty to make things easier for you).
3rd Playthrough (Heirs Trophy – Bad Ending):
– Finish the game without restoring (saving) any successor memories. Simply blaze through the game.
Now the Determiner of Fate Trophy should unlock

Mender of Minds
Restore all Vestiges
Those are memory fragments (Red Crystals), you receive some normally through playing the game while others can be found in hidden areas and in the depth maps. After collecting them, we need to speak with Io to restore them (view memory) and if there is a missing vestige then it will show it there.
NOTE: You can skip those memories by pressing the
button, unless you really enjoy going through them all.
We have made a full guide for finding all Vestiges and Blood Cores, check the description for time stamps.

Deep Trailblazer
Explore every part of the depths
There are 12 Depth Maps in the game, they can be considered as small dungeons and have mini bosses ranging from 2 to 4 per map and a final boss. They also contain some vestiges.
Good thing is that we don’t have to complete these maps to unlock the trophy but rather just visit them once at least.
All 12 Depth Maps:
1- Map: Den of the Darkness
2- Map: Den of the Dead
3- Map: Town of Sacrifice
4- Map: Flood of Impurity
5- Map: Misty Ruins
6- Map: Zero District
7- Map: Void District
8- Map: Swirling Flood
Requires: Shang Side Quest Part 3 (Questline)
9- Map: Cliffs of Rust
Requires: Self Important Revenant Side Quest Part 2 (Questline)
10- Map: Silent White
Requires: Shang Side Quest Part 4 (Questline)
11- Map: Arachnid Grotto
Requires: Gustav Side Quest Part 4 (Questline)
12- Map: Rocky Ruins
Requires: Self Important Revenant Side Quest Finished (Questline)
Requires: Richard Side Quest Finished (Questline)
We have made a detailed guide on getting all 12 maps, check the description for time stamps.

Miasma Manager
Activate all mistles
Those are the white resting/replenishing points as well as the Red Flowers (Rotten Mistles). Each area has % when you open up the map and that percentage is for these, so when you get 100% in an area then it means you activated all Mistles in the area.
You will get this trophy in the final area before the final boss if you have achieved 100% in all of them.
We made a playlist containing all areas with 100% exploration (PLAYLIST)
Very helpful especially for Cathedral of Sacred Blood and Crypt Spire.

Together Until Oblivion
Listen to partner conversations 50 times while exploring
One of the first trophies that you will unlock. Always have a partner with you and they will talk every now and then, either a normal conversation or a warning (Be careful enemy ahead, lets avoid fighting…etc). I got mine very early so worry about this one at all.

Proven Devotion
Receive 30 presents from friends
In the game you are able to exchange gifts with the NPCs in the Home Base, they also send you gifts which you can collect from the Mistle Menu (Presents).

You will see a notification icon beside it, indicating you received a Present. I got the trophy during the 2nd playthrough. Defeating a boss sometimes trigger a present, but sometimes i left the game normally and came back to Presents waiting for me so playtime might as well play a part.

Exalted Reputation
Raise your reputation as a companion to rank 30
Most probably your last trophy as you need to get 400 Mark of Honor tokens to reach rank 30.
You will get Mark of Honor:
– Found as an item in some levels such as Cathedral of Sacred Blood & Provisional Government Centre
– Very Rare Drop from some enemies (The Knight in Ashen Cavern who is gaurding the door to City of Fallen Flame).
– Online: By helping or getting help in clearing an area (Beating the Boss).

Burning Spirit
Unlock the ability to inherit 50 Gifts
Each blood core has its own abilities/gifts. When you unlock a gift you will simply be able to equip that gift on the same specific blood code. Inheriting the gift means that you can equip this gift on any other blood code of your choosing. To inherit a gift we need to reach maximum proficiency on that gift, it can be done by simply equipping it and beating enemies or by paying with Haze and Awake items. The late blood cores require a lot of Haze so most probably you will unlock this trophy during the second playthrough. Awake can be farmed in the depth maps.
Check the Gift Gatherer Trophy

A Weapon for Every Season
Equip every weapon type
You should get most of the weapon types from the chests but even if you dont then you can buy them from Rin Murasame at Home Base. All you need to do is simply just equip each type at least once.
Required Weapon Types: one-handed sword, two-handed sword, axe, hammer, and bayonet/rifles.

Revenant Requisites
Equip every Blood Veil type
Each Blood Veil has a different Drain Animiation, they can be found from chests and bought from Rin Murasame at Home Base.
We need to equip at least each type once.
The Types:
Orge Type – (Night Claw, Venous Claw…etc)
Stinger Type – (Night Spear…etc)
Hound Type – (Night Fang, Hedgehog Fort…etc)
Ivy Type – (Night Thorn..etc)

Weaver of Wills
Collect every blood code
There are 34 Blood Codes so far but we only need 32 Blood Codes.
Blood Code: Harbinger (Pre-order Bonus, not required)
Blood Code: Astrea (DeluxeEdition & Season pass, not required)
The 32 Blood Codes can be obtained by playing the Good Ending (Dweller in the Dark) playthrough and then the Bad Ending (Heirs) playthrough. So the trophy can be obtained in 1 half 1/2 playthroughs.
When playing the good ending make sure you get all the vestige cores and parts, of course save all successors and beat the game, now start a new game+ but do not save any of the successors to get the different blood codea from each successor.
In total we will get 28 Blood Codes from the 1st playthrough (4 of which from saving the successors) and during the 2nd playthrough we will get the last 4 by not saving the successors.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Learn 50 Gifts (excluding those learned when acquiring a blood code)

Ultimate Armament
Upgrade a weapon to its maximum level
To get a Weapon upgraded to +10, go to Rin Murasame and choose Upgrade Weapon. We need a total of x7 Queen Iron, x10 Queen Steel, x10 Queen Titanium and 2x Queen Tungsten which can be found in the end levels.
The Iron, Steel and Titanium can be later bought infinitely from Mia (coco) though you can farm them easily from the Depth Maps as well.
The Tungsten can be easily farmed from the Government Knights (White) in Provisional Government Center.
To Make things easier, equip the Revenant Greed (Passive Gift) to increase the item drop rate (Found in the Thoth Blood Code – Hermes Blood Code).

Unbreakable Veil
Upgrade a Blood Veil to its maximum level
To get a Blood Veil upgraded to +10, go to Rin Murasame and choose Upgrade Blood Veil. We need a total of x7 Queen Iron, x10 Queen Steel, x10 Queen Titanium and 2x Queen Tungsten which can be found in the end levels.
The Iron, Steel and Titanium can be later bought infinitely from Mia (coco) though you can farm them easily from the Depth Maps as well.
The Tungsten can be easily farmed from the Government Knights (White) in Provisional Government Center.
To Make things easier, equip the Revenant Greed (Passive Gift) to increase the item drop rate (Found in the Thoth Blood Code – Hermes Blood Code).
Check Ultimate Armament Trophy

Building Trust
Give a desired valuable to a friend
There valuable items found through out the game and some even can be bought from Shang in the Ruined City Underground – Crossroads.
Give an item to an NPC at the Home Base nets you trading points, for this trophy we need to give an item to an NPC that is worth 3 points or more, usually you can tell which items the NPCs deem valuable from their personality such as giving Protein Powder to Davis for being bulky or a Retro Game to Yakumo due to his casual fun style.
Here is a list of items that will work on each friend.
Trade Points:
Aromatic Herbs (5)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bottled Jam (3)
Chocolate Garlic Flakes (5)
Fancy Cologne (3)
Organic Soap (3)
Powerful Spices (5)
Sushi Tacos (5)
Tomato Oden Sandwich (5)
Antique LP Record (5)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bugarally Doll (5)
Chocolate Garlic Flakes (5)
Classic Camera (5)
Expensive Cigars (3)
Protein Powder (3)
Pungent Cheese (3)
Tomato Oden Sandwich (3)
Well-worn Tool (3)
Yellowed Book (3)
Eva Roux
Antique Coin (3)
Antique LP Record (3)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bugarally Doll (3)
Faded Comics (3)
Fancy Cologne (3)
Flower Seeds (5)
Organic Soap (3)
Spotless Instrument (3)
Tomato Oden Sandwich (5)
Undamaged Paint Set (3)
35mm Reel (3)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bugarally Doll (3)
Chocolate Garlic Flakes (3)
Curious Novelty (5)
Faded Comics (3)
Fancy Cologne (3)
Fragrant tea (3)
Local Pennant (5)
Organic Soap (3)
Sushi Tacos (3)
Tomato Oden Sandwich (5)
Yellowed Book (3)
Jack Rutherford
35mm Reel (3)
Aged Brandy (5)
Antique Coin (5)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bugarally Doll (5)
Classic Camera (3)
Expensive Cigars (3)
Flower Seeds (3)
Pungent Cheese (3)
Sushi Tacos (5)
Yellowed Book (3)
Mia Karnstein
Aged Brandy (3)
Aromatic Herbs (5)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bottled Jam (3)
Bugarally Doll (3)
Fancy Cologne (3)
Fragrant tea (5)
Organic Soap (3)
Powerful Spices (3)
Sushi Tacos (3)
Tomato Oden Sandwich (3)
Rin Murasame
Antique LP Record (3)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Board Game (5)
Bugarally Doll (5)
Chocolate Garlic Flakes (3)
Custom Gun Parts (3)
Faded Comics (3)
Fancy Cologne (3)
Organic Soap (3)
Retro Game (5)
Stuffed Toy (3)
Sushi Tacos (3)
Well-worn Tool (3)
Yakumo Shinonome
35mm Reel (3)
Aged Brandy (5)
Antique LP Record (3)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Board Game (3)
Boutique Sake (5)
Bugarally Doll (5)
Custom Gun Parts (3)
Faded Comics (3)
Pungent Cheese (3)
Retro Game (3)
Sushi Tacos (3)
Blood Bead Candy (3)
Bottled Jam (3)
Bugarally Doll (3)
Faded Comics (5)
Fragrant Tea (3)
Spotless Instrument (3)
Tomato Oden Sandwich (5)
Yellowed Book (5)

Queen’s Knight
Defeat the Queen’s Knight within your memory
After beating the Argent Berserker Wolf in the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood, touch the Axe behind on your path to the final boss. This will take you to your characters memories.
Boss Guide Video

Queen’s Knight Reborn
Defeat the Queen’s Knight Reborn in the provisional government outskirts
Similar to when we find him in the memory so you can somewhat use the same tactics.
Check Queen’s Knight Trophy

Successor of the Ribcage
Defeat the Successor of the Ribcage in the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood
Boss Video Guide

Successor of the Breath
Defeat the Successor of the Breath in the Ridge of Frozen Souls
Boss Video Guide

Successor of the Claw
Defeat the Successor of the Claw in the City of Falling Flame
Boss Video Guide

Successor of the Throat
Defeat the Successor of the Throat in the Crown of Sand
Boss Video Guide

Louis’ Memories
View Louis’ memory echoes
We need to at least view one fragment from Louis’s memories (Prometheus Vestiges), have Io restore any part.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Yakumo’s Memories
View Yakumo’s memory echoes
We need to at least view one fragment from Yakumo’s memories (Atlas Vestiges), have Io restore any part.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Murasame’s Memories
View Murasame’s memory echoes
We need to at least view one fragment from Murasame’s memories (Hephaestus Vestiges), have Io restore any part.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Coco’s Memories
View Coco’s memory echoes
We need to at least view one fragment from Coco’s memories (Mercury Vestiges), have Io restore any part.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Davis’ Memories
View Davis’ memory echoes
We need to at least view one fragment from Davi’s memories (Hermes Vestiges), have Io restore any part.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Mia’s Memories
View Mia’s memory echoes
We need to at least view one fragment from Mia’s memories (Artemis Vestiges), have Io restore any part.
Check the Mender of Minds trophy

Drink Deep
Successfully use a special drain from a parry, back attack, or launch attack
One of the easiest trophies and can be obtained fairly early in the game. You can get it from Parry, Back attack, or Launch attack yet i recommend going with the Back attack. Just get behind an enemy and press SQUARE and you should do a drain attack, if you fail then no worries and keep trying.

Resonant Power
Execute a Communal Gift
Each partner comes with a Communal Gift (When you check the gifts, it will say “A Communal Gift with Louis” for example). Partner with a companion and equip their communal gift and execute it.
Note that it requires 20 ichor to execute so use a Blood Code that has 20 Ichor or more.