I wanna start by saying that this game is miles better than the original, i was blown away by the amount of content offered here compared to the original.
Its a full fledged dragon quest game where you can leave your own unique giant foot mark as you play through the main story.
You start off the game as a prisoner who was captured for simply being a builder, Hargon wants to see destruction in this world and only destruction! as he has taken away the hope and the ability to build from the people.
You start of by going to different islands meeting different people and monsters, you will be able to recruit some of them as well as learn and unlock new recipes for items, rooms and more.
It has these story related giant islands as well as the randomly generated material islands which you can fully explore, find new find monsters to recruit, strong bosses or monsters to fight and materials to salvage for your own island!
The main islands have their own fair share of secret items, puzzles and treasure chests to discover.
Each one of these small islands is unique in terms of presentation & content.
The game wants you to explore more as you finish the story line by unlocking three more small islands!
The game has a plethora of items to unlock and to discover, there are weapons, shields, armor, bosses to kill, new recipes to unlock and rooms to build as you turn your main base to something of your own liking.
Even after finishing the game i found my self discovering more and more as if there was no end to the items in this game and i learned many tricks after experimenting and taking risks!
Despite the lack of interactive building objects, It feels like there is no limit in this game in terms of building except your imagination!
The materials are there, the tools are there, the platform is there so get creative and start building!
There is the cape (Windbreaker) and the car to fly around on some of the islands as well as this time you can dive into the sea and of course the sea has its own fair share of exploring and monster hunting!
In terms of graphics the game is cartoony like most of the other builder genre games, compared to the original there are many improvements, there is of course the night and day cycle and the weather effects such as the rain, the different environments on each islands from snow to lava and dessert to lush green areas and swamps. So yeah its refreshing to see the diversity and uniqueness!
Also you can bring in items to other islands and start building there with items that can’t be found on that specific island.
The people you bring or your citizen are not just for show, they actually contribute greatly to the gameplay, they work for you and you can make specific rooms for them to cook for you or harvest for you so that you are never short on food supply and so on.
Also the members you recruit and bring to your island or the many monsters that are in game that can be turned into companions can be brought on your main island and can be added to your party and actually very beneficial for exploring or fighting monsters as you can equip them with weapons and armor!
As for multiplayer, you can visit other peoples islands and check their creations or invite others to join you and start building on your own island, its fun to work with your friends in creating breathtaking structures or each one leaving their unique footprint on your island as i had my friend helping me with a train station while i focused on building a swimming pool for my citizens.
I love this game and i played it non-stop, its rare to see a sequel so well done, in terms of content or sheer size of the world it provides to explore. Its better than the original in many aspects and i loved the original so you can guess how much i love playing this one.
Its a beautifully packed full RPG (Role Playing Game) with Building elements, its a perfect combination and brilliantly executed.
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