Final Fantasy VII Remake Trophy Guide

Master of Fate
Obtain all other trophies

Onetime Gig
Complete Chapter 1.
Story related (Automatic)

Escape Artist
Complete Chapter 2.
Story related (Automatic)

Mercenary Endeavors
Complete Chapter 3.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “Heavenly Dart Player” trophy in this chapter

Night on the Town
Complete Chapter 4.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “Biker Boy” trophy in this chapter

Plan E
Complete Chapter 5.
Story related (Automatic)

Lights Out
Complete Chapter 6.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “Cleanup Crew” trophy in this chapter

Trapped like Sewer Rats
Complete Chapter 7.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “In Lockstep” trophy in this chapter

Complete Chapter 8.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “Crate Annihilator” trophy in this chapter

Never the Bride
Complete Chapter 9.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “Sultan of Squat“, “Dancing Queen“, and “Returning Champion” trophies in this chapter

Sewer Survivor
Complete Chapter 10.
Story related (Automatic)

Paranormal Investigator
Complete Chapter 11.
Story related (Automatic)

The Collapse
Complete Chapter 12.
Story related (Automatic)

Broken Dreams
Complete Chapter 13.
Story related (Automatic)

Picking Up the Pieces
Complete Chapter 14.
Story related (Automatic)
Can earn “Whack-a-Box Wunderkind“, “Peeress of Pull-Ups“, and “Divine Gratitude” trophies in this chapter

The Pizza in the Sky
Complete Chapter 15.
Story related (Automatic)

No Appointment Needed
Complete Chapter 16.
Story related (Automatic)

Emerging from Chaos
Complete Chapter 17.
Story related (Automatic)

Destiny’s Crossroads
Complete Chapter 18.
Story related (Automatic)

Warming Up
Win a battle.
Story related (Automatic)
The first trophy you will earn in the game.

Weakened Resolve
Exploit an enemy’s weakness.
You will obtain this trophy after attacking an enemy with an elemental attack that its weak against.
You will unlock the “Assess Ability” during Chapter 3, which is used to scan the enemies.
You can see what they are weak against and use that weakness against them.
For example and is weak against Fire then use Fire on it and you will unlock this trophy.
Note: The weakness of the first boss is Thunder, so use Barrets Thunder attack on him to unlock this trophy very early.

Bonds of Friendship
Free a bound ally.
This trophy should come naturally but this when a boss or the enemy grab or bounds your ally. All you have to do is to attack the enemy to free the ally.
If it grabs the character that you are controlling then immediately switch and attack the enemy/monster before it releases you or the grabbing sequence ends.

Staggering Start
Stagger an enemy.
Should come naturally, staggering is basically stunning the enemies which is done when you continuously attack them and the yellow bar beneath their health bar fills up.
Though i noticed Barrets with his gun is more effective in staggering the monster but it all depends in the end, yet this is a trophy you should not worry about.

My First Ability
Max out a weapon’s proficiency.
Each weapon comes with a different ability, to max out a weapon’s proficiency then we need to use its special ability until it reaches max proficiency.
When you check the weapon upgrade from the menu, on the right you will see its ability and the progress on the proficiency.
The game will notify you when you achieve max proficiency.
Note: Clouds default weapon doesnt count.

Materia for Beginners
Level up an orb of materia.
Materia are the Orbs (Magic, Support, Command, Complete, & Summon).
This should come naturally if you have equipped a materia for a while (Option unlocked during Chapter 3).
The materia is leveled up by earning AP, which you will earn automatically after each battle just like XP.

My First Summon
Invoke a summon.
Summons in this game come from the Materia (Orb), which you need to equip on your Weapon or Armor.
You will get your first summon “Ifrit” during chapater 3, so make sure you equip it.
There will be a tutorial later on and during certain encounters or boss battles you will see a new gauge over your health bar filling up. As soon as it fills up, choose “summon” from the attack menu and the trophy will pop-up.

Biker Boy
Get praised by Jessie at the end of the motorcycle mini-game.
This can be done at the beginning of Chapter 4. You can save the game near the end of chapter 3 or do it later with chapter select.
This is preferred to be done on Easy Difficulty as we need to have roughly 80% health or more left by the end of this chase.
You will be told if you have passed the TEST or not at the end.
Just be very careful not to get any damage by using
(Block) and
using the
(Accelerate) and
as well as use the
for the long range attacks as well.

Heavenly Dart Player
Rise to the top of the Seventh Heaven darts leaderboard.
This can be done near the end of Chapter 3 where the “Talk Strategy” main scenario starts. This is where you will be able to play the dart mini-game and beat Wedge’s high score, by doing that he will give us the “Luck Up” materia in Chapter 4.
Note: If you missed it then use Chapter Select and play this Chapter again. If you miss up then pause, quit the mini-game and retry instead of playing it all and wasting time.

Cleanup Crew
Obtain the Chocobo & Moogle materia.
This Summon Materia can be obtained during Chapter 6.
Its behind one of the big fans, as you are walking by it you will hear “Tifa” saying “Whats that?” or something in that regard and you will see a “Discovery” “?” icon on the mao.
So after turning off all the lights, instead of taking the big elevator on our left, we will walk straight up ahead and use the smaller elevator (Big fans are on our right).

In Lockstep
Bypass the delta-level security lock in Mako Reactor 5.
Can be achieved during Chapter 7 near the end where you are asked to press 3 switch simultaneously. There will be a “Discovery” “?” mark on the map in the same room near a terminal, interact with it and then interact with the other terminal that has 3 switches.
Now press the switches 4 times simultaneously and the trophy should pop-up, don’t worry if you mess up as you can retry until you get it, also mistakes will not reset the whole process so take it easy.

Crate Annihilator
Complete all Normal difficulty Whack-a-Box challenges.
We need to score 30,000, which is very easy.
The types of boxes: Yellow (Score), Blue (ATB Gauge + Score), and Red (Time)
Equip the Iron Blade weapon, hold the
to do the sweeping radius attack on the boxes or use “Braver” on the large stack.
When faced with the big 1500 Points Box, use the abilities first and then hold the Square for the radius attack. Try to align yourself before using the Abilities as you might miss, also get in the center if faced with two big boxes so that you hit both boxes with a single ability.
Focus on getting the +10 sec boxes first.

Say It with Flowers
Decorate the Leaf House with a floral arrangement.
Story related, unlocked near the end of Chapter 8

Summon Slayer
Defeat a summon in battle.
This trophy can be achieved through Chadley’s VR Missions.
You will see Chadley first during Chapter 3 but he will offer VR Missions during Chapter 8 if you have completed Battle Reports 1-4.
Talk to him and start the VR Mission (First VR Mission is for SHIVA), beat the summon and the trophy will unlock.

Sultan of Squat
Complete all squat challenges.
Chapter 9 – After completeing the side quest “Burning Thighs”
There are 3 challenges in the GYM (Trainee, Amateur, and Pro), Trainee challenge is part of the Side Quest so it will be completed after completing the side quest “Burning Thighs”.
Afterwards talk to Jay for the Amateur challenge and then talk to Jules for the Pro challenge.
Finishing the 3 Squat Challenges will unlock the trophy.
The challenge here is pressing the

buttons in the correct sequence shown.
You will start slow and the buttons will be on the screen, as times go by they vanish from the screen but still need to follow the sequence by looking at the animation of the squat.
You will start slow but it will get faster so you need to press the buttons faster, but if you press the corresponding button to soon then you will mess up and the animation sequence resets and you will start slow again, you will not lose the points but only time.
There will be times when you get fatigued and have to press
rapidly to overcome it and continue the sequence, but dont worry they game screen will show you when to do that.
You must do more squats than the opponent to win, fairly easy challenge as long as you follow the rhythm (clockwise pressing of buttons).

Dancing Queen
Received a gift from Andrea for being a dance superstar.
Chapter 9 – part of the story
This when you need to get to Honey Bee Inn following Aerith’s Plan.
There will be a forced Mini-game that you need to do very good in it to win, though you don’t need to be perfect.
Its like a Quick Time Event (QTE) where you need to press the corresponding button at the correct time (
The whole mini-game is split into few parts, after each part if you see Aerith Clapping then you are doing good.
The score i got at the end was Great (22), Good (4), and Bad (2), and i still got the trophy so don’t worry if you make a mistake or two.

Returning Champion
Emerge victorious from a colosseum sparring session.
Chapter 9 – Underground Colosseum.
After winning the tournament (Unmissable), go back to the Underground Colosseum and start a Sparring Session, win it and you will get the trophy (it doesn’t matter which session you choose).
Note: You grind for XP/AP in the Underground Collesseum

Dressed to the Nines
Obtain all nine bridal candidate outfits.
There are 9 outfits in total to be unlocked, and they are dependent on the choices you make during Chapter 3 (Tifa), Chapter 8 (Aerith), and Chapter 9 (Cloud).
Dresses will be worn simultaneously at the end of Chapter 9 and it will count towards the trophy at that moment. You must play all Chapters three times to get the trophy, though it should be in the correct sequence (Chapter 3, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9 respectively) but you dont need to do the Chapters in between (Chapter Select).
During your first playthrough do these things to unlock the first Set:
SET 1:
Tifa: Sporty
Aerith: Long Red Dress
Cloud: Black & Blue Dress
Chapter 3 (Tifa): Pick “Sporty” (Finish all side quests)
Chapter 8 (Aerith): Finish all side quests
Chapter 9 (Cloud): Finish these side quests
(The Party Never Stops, A Dynamite Body, and Burning Thighs)
NOTE: HOW TO UNLOCK “The Party Never Stops” & “A Dynamite Body”
Then do the chapter select and finish Chapter 3, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9, to unlock the Set 2 after making the choices/actions below.
Tifa: Mature
Aerith: Simple Pink Dress
Cloud: Black & White Dress
Chapter 3 (Tifa): Ignore all side quests or Complete all side quests and pick “Mature”
Chapter 8 (Aerith): Ignore all side quest
Chapter 9 (Cloud): complete these side quests
(The Price of Thievery, Shears’ Counterattack, and Burning Thighs)
NOTE: HOW TO UNLOCK “The Price of Thievery” & “Shears’ Counterattack”
Do the chapter select one final time and finish Chapter 3, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9, to unlock the Set 3 after making the choices/actions below.
Tifa: Exotic
Aerith: Pink Dress
Cloud: Black & Grey Dress
Chapter 3 (Tifa): Pick “Exotic” (complete all side quests)
Chapter 8 (Aerith): Complete 3/6 side quests
Chapter 9 (Cloud): Ignore all side quests

Whack-a-Box Wunderkind
Complete all Hard difficulty Whack-a-Box challenges.
Chapter 14
Weapon: Iron Blade
Ability: Triple Slash and Braver
for normal radius attack and use combos when possible.
Its not very difficult to finish or get this trophy, just focus on the time crate and you will have more than enough time to get it done.
NOTE: For this mini-game to be available, then you must finish Side Quest “A Verified Hero” in Chapter 8, which unlocks the original Whack a Box mini-game.

Peeress of Pull-Ups
Complete all pull-up challenges.
Chapter 14
You can start this trophy quest after immediately finishing the “Wavering Hearts” side.
Beat Andrea and then speak with Jay, then after beating Jay you need to speak to Jule to start the Pro Pull Up challenge.
This is another mini-game just like the Squat Challenge but this time its harder and annoying.
This time the
needs to be pressed in an “8” shape or Infinite shape pattern sequence.
Of course its sometimes clockwise, anti-clockwise…etc the Sequence Pattern will change with each try, and just like the Squat Challenge it will start slow and gradually accelerate but this time there is no room for mistakes, if you can’t manage to get 20 or 21 during the first half then dont bother (Yet its faster to lose than to load the game).

Divine Gratitude
Receive a letter from an angel.

The Johnny Experience
Witness all Johnny-related incidents.
Chapter 3: Johnny Incident #1 (Storyline)
Location : Sector 7 – Slums Area – Residential Area
Obtained automatically during Chapter 3 when you see Johnny first time, you can’t miss it .
Chapter 9: Johnny Incident #2 (Missable).
Location : Sector 6 slums – Wall Market
When you visit Wall Market for the first time you will see Johnny running, go after him and talk with him and say “Yeah” as your answer. It is (missable), if you don’t talk with him when you come to the Wall Market first and continue the story, you will miss him and you can’t do it later until second playthrough or replay all Chapter 9 and do it again to get it.
Chapter 9: Johnny incident #3
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market
it depend on choices you had for example, in chapter 9 in story if did following choices you will unlock side quest “The Party Never Stops“:
‘ Hotel guy ( how much ? ) Sam ( no deal ) Madam m ( 100 gil ) madam m second choice ( its alright )’.
If you don’t do these choice you will unlock other side quest such as “The Price of Thievery“, we made detailed guides for unlock these side quests.
Chapter 14: Johnny Incident #4
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Sector 5 Undercity Station
You need to do Johnny’s Side Quest “Tomboy Bandit”, he can be found near the train station.
Chapter 14: Johnny Incident #5
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Sector 5 Undercity Station
After completing Johnny’s side quest “Tomboy Bandit” bring back his wallet/purse to him. This is the last johnny incident, if you did all the other Johnny Incidents you will now get the Trophy “The Johnny Experience”.
Note: If you didn’t get it, then its possibly because you did not complete the side quest “The Party Never Stops” in Chapter 9.

Best in the Business
Complete all quests.
There are 26 Side Quest in the game, you need to complete all of them to get this trophy, though during one playthrough you can only complete 24 Side Quests and that is because during Chapter 9 the choices you make will either unlock ” The Party Never Stops” & “A Dynamite Body” and locks you out of “The Price of Thievery” “Shears’ Counterattack” or they other way round.
Though fear not as you can Chapter Select later on complete the remain side quests.
Only these Chapters contain Side Quests:
Chapter 3:
– Lost Friends
– Rat Problem :
– On the Prowl
– Chadley’s Report
– Nuisance in the Factory:
– Just Flew In from the Graveyard
Chapter 8:
– The Mysterious Moogle Merchant
– Weapons on a Rampage:
– Paying Respects
– Kids on Patrol:
– A Verified Hero
– The Angel of the Slums
Chapter 9:
– Burning Thighs
Your choices in this chapter will unlock a set of quests from below and locks the other set out.
Though the Set you missed can be done via Chapter Select later on so don’t worry nothing is missable.
Set 1: (Locks Set 2)
– The Party Never Stops
– A Dynamite Body
Set 2: (Locks Set 1)
– The Price of Thievery
– Shears’ Counterattack
Chapter 14:
– Chocobo Search
– Missing Children
– Corneo’s Secret Stash
– Tomboy Bandit
– Secret Medicine
– Subterranean Menace
– The Power of Music
– Malicious Goons
– Wavering Heart
How to unlock either Set 1 or Set 2 Side Quest can be found in the video below.

Disc Jockey
Collect all music discs.
Chapter 3:
Music Disc 3 – Tifa’s Theme
Location : Sector 7 – Slums Area – Seventh Heaven.
Found inside jukebox
Music Disc 27 – Hip Hop de Chocobo
Location : Sector 7 – Slums Area – Get it from DJ once you speak with him.
Music Disc 1 – The Prelude
Location : Sector 7 – Slums Area – Bought from item shop 50 gil.
Music Disc 4 – Barret’s Theme
Location : Sector 7 – Slums Area – Train Station Area
– Bought from shop for 50 gill.
Chapter 5:
Music Disc 28 – Stamp
Location : section e – bought from vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 6:
Music Disc 18 – Electric de Chocobo
Location : Plate – Mid – Level – Section “H” Lamp 1 – Bought from vending machine for 50 gil after all 3 power lamp down.
Chapter 7:
Music Disc 2 – Bombing Mission
Location : Front Gate – Bought from vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 8:
Music Disc 21 – Calit Sith’s Theme
Location : sector 5 slums area – undercity station bought from vending machine for 50 gil.
Music Disc 25 – Tango of Tears
Location : Sector 5 Slums – Center District – Found inside in Jukebox.
Music Disc 19 – Costa Saucer
Location : Sector 5 Slums – Center District – Bought from item shop for 50 gil.
Music Disc 20 – Gold Saucer
Location : Sector 5 Slums – Bought from Moogle merchant by giving Moogle medals.
Chapter 9:
Music Disc 22 – Cosmo Canyon
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Machinery Graveryard – Bought from vending machine for 50 gil.
Music Disc 10 – Honeybee Inn
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Bought from in item shop for 50 Gil.
Music Disc 8 – Under the Rottling Pizza
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Found inside jukebox.
Music Disc 29 – The Midgar Blues
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Talk with singer in bar to get it.
Music Disc 17 – Farm Boy
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall market – Talk with cowgirl to get it.
Music Disc 26 – Let the Battle Begin – Remake
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Story takes you to honeybee inn , there are 3 bee ladies who want dance and you need to play this mini game and get 10 out of 10 to get Music Disc otherwise its missable if fail first time do it again until get 10 score.
Music Disc 11 – Don of the Slums
Location : Sector 6 Slums – The Forbidden Room – After Cloud, Aerith and Tifa meet again in Storyline in the the Forbidden Room – You can buy it from vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 10:
Music Disc 9 – The Oppressed
Location : Sector 6 Slums – aqueduct 1 – found in jukebox for 50 gil.
Chapter 11:
Music Disc 6 – Let the Battle Begin
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Switchyard – Maintenance Hall – Found in vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 13:
Music Disc 15 – On our Way 9:33
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Evergreen Park – Bought from item shop for 50 gil.
Music Disc 14 – Main Theme of FFVII
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Underground Test Site B1 – Break Room – Found in vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 14:
Music Disc 23 – Descent of Shinnobi
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Sector 5 Undercity Station – Speak with merchant.
Music Disc 16 – Good Night, Until Tomorrow
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Speak with guest
Music Disc 12 – Fight on
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Bought from item shop for 50 gil.
Music Disc 30 – Stand Up
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Speak with woman.
Music Disc 7 – Turk’s Theme
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – S6-5 road – Speak with old woman.
Music Disc 24 – Wutia
Location : Sector 6 Slums – Wall Market – Speak with worker.
Music Disc 13 – The Chase
Location : Sector 6 Restricted Area – Aqueduct 4 – Sewers – Bought from vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 15:
Music Disc 5 – Lurking in the Darkness
Location : 65m above ground level – Central Tower 1F – Bought from vending machine for 50 gil.
Chapter 16:
Music Disc 31 – Scarlet’s Theme
Location : Combat Simulator Lounge – Found inside jukebox.

Building Character
Attain level 50 with a character.
You need to of course reach level 50 with at least one character to unlock this trophy.
As you might’ve guessed, the level cap in the game is actually 50 so yeah this trophy is asking you to reach max level.
Actually its not very hard to get to level 50 in this game, if you are planning for a platinum then my actual advice is to continue all the way and finish the game then start on Hard Difficulty while equipping the “EXP Up” Materia to gain more XP. Playing it this way you will get the trophy near the first few chapters of the playthrough without feeling its a grind.
Otherwise if you are in a hurry then Chapter 9 has the Colosseum fights which you can use to Level Up (Chapter Select) as well as Chapter 14 (Best spot) and you can meet Chadley in Chapter 17 if you’ve beaten the game once where he will open up a new arena for you to fight.

Staggering Feat
Deal 300% damage to a staggered enemy.
Staggering is when a monster is stunned, which is done by filling the Yellow Bar by continuously attacking the monster.
We need to summon the Fat Chocobo from Chadley’s VR Missons (Chapter 14 – Sector 5 Slums), as it has the slowest depleting stagger meter which we can use to increase the stagger % to more than 300% during the whole process.
The best character to use is Tifa and her abilities. We need to attack using her default attacks (
), her attacks can be changed and different level abilities have different increment in the stagger %.
So this is how we do it, if we use Unbridled Strength (1 ATB) once, that ability changes to Omnistrike, which increase the stagger % higher, and if we have 2 ATB and use Unbridled Strength twice then our ability will change to Rise and Fall which gives the highest % increase.
Though Tifa’s 6th Weapon “Purple Pain” will increase the Stagger % by 30% with each use (1ATB/Charge).

Intelligence Agent
Complete all battle intel reports.
There are 20 Chadley battle intel reports that we need to complete, we can first meet Chadley during Chapter 3 and near the end of the chapter as well.
He can also be found in Chapter 8, 9, 14, and finally in Chapter 17 after beating the game once.
Battle Intel Report 01: Monster Bio Pt. 1
– Condition: Assess 2 enemy types
– Reward: Auto-Cure Materia
You will get the Assess Matria as part of the story in Chapter 3, all you need to do is equip it (Weapon or Armor) and use it on two monsters (Abilities>Assess).
Battle Intel Report 02: Magic Elements Pt. 1
– Condition: Hit enemies vulnerable to fire, ice, or lightning using the appropriate magic (Number of attacks: 1 for each element)
– Reward: Wind Materia
You can do this along with the Report 1, as when you Assess a monster you will see their weaknesses (Lightening, Fire, & Ice).
Lightening and Ice can be bought from the store in Chapter 3, use these 3 elemental attacks on enemies that are weak against them and you will complete this report.
Battle Intel Report 03: The Stagger Effect Pt. 1
– Condition: Use unique abilities on staggered enemies and charge the ATB gauge 10 times.
– Reward: First Strike Materia
Have Tifa as the leader or switch to her mid-battle, stagger an enemy and then attack using her basic attacks (
) until her ATB gauges fills from 1 to 2 full segments. Do this 10 times and you will complete this report.
Battle Intel Report 04: The Stagger Effect Pt. 2
– Condition: Stagger 15 enemy types.
– Reward: ATB Boost Materia
This is done by continously attacking the enemies until the Yellow Bar (Under the health bar) fills and they get stunned for a few second. Make sure you do this on 15 different enemy types.
(Should come naturally though)
Battle Intel Report 05: Combat Simulation: Shiva
– Condition: Defeat Shiva.
– Reward: Shiva Summoning Materia
After completing the first 4 reports, talk to Chadley and he will unlock this report (VR Mission) where you have to defeat Shiva.
Battle Intel Report 06: Monster Bio Pt. 2
– Condition: Assess 10 enemy types.
– Reward: Steadfast Block Materia
Similar to Report 01, equip the Assess Materia and use the ability mid-battle to assess 10 different enemy types.
Battle Intel Report 07: Magic Elements Pt. 2
– Condition: Exploit weaknesses of 15 enemy types.
– Reward: Steal Materia
Same as Report 02, use Spell Materia (Fire, Ice, Lighting, and Wind) on 15 different enemy types. You can Assess the enemy to find the element that its weak against at.
(Human = Fire, Machine = Lighting, Flying = Wind, Monster = Ice)
Battle Intel Report 08: The Manipulation Technique
– Condition: Defeat 2 or more enemies with a single attack.
– Reward: Provoke Materia
Use braver as Cloud or hold (
) for a sweeping attack to finish of two enemies at once. Though i recommend using the Braver ability, just align to enemies specially when you are over leveled by running in circle until you can see that you can hit them with one attack.
Battle Intel Report 09: Monster Variants Pt. 1
– Condition: Defeat monsters of 3 unique varieties.
– Reward: Synergy Materia
This should come naturally as you need to beat monsters with different variants and those are everywhere as you progress through the story.
Battle Intel Report 10: Combat Simulation: Fat Chocobo
– Condition: Defeat a fat chocobo.
– Reward: Fat Chocobo Materia
Upon completion of the all the Reports above (Report 1-9), you will unlock this VR Mission when you speak with Chadley, defeat the Fat Chocobo and it will be yours to keep (Summon Materia).
Battle Intel Report 11: Monster Bio Pt. 3
– Condition: Assess 20 enemy types.
– Reward: Item Master Materia
Same as Report 01, use Assess Ability on 20 different enemy types.
Battle Intel Report 12: The Stagger Effect Pt. 3
– Condition: Increase stagger damage bonus to 200%.
– Reward: Parry Materia
See “Staggering Feat” trophy.
The best character to use is Tifa and her abilities. We need to attack using her default attacks (
), her attacks can be changed and different level abilities have different increment in the stagger %.
So this is how we do it, if we use Unbridled Strength (1 ATB) once, that ability changes to Omnistrike, which increase the stagger % higher, and if we have 2 ATB and use Unbridled Strength twice then our ability will change to Rise and Fall which gives the highest % increase.
Though Tifa’s 6th Weapon “Purple Pain” will increase the Stagger % by 30% with each use (1ATB/Charge).
Battle Intel Report 13: Refocus Analysis
– Condition: Trigger Refocus 2 times.
– Reward: ATB Assist Materia
When Aerith joins your party, make sure she is equipped with Refocus Matera. Now build up your limit break by attacking or taking damage until its full and use the “Refocus” limit break, do this twice.
Battle Intel Report 14: The Stagger Effect Pt. 4
– Condition: Stagger 40 enemy types.
– Reward: ATB Stagger Materia
Same as Report 04
Battle Intel Report 15: Combat Simulation Leviathan
– Condition: Defeat Leviathan
– Reward: Leviathan Summoning Materia
After completing Report 12, speak with Chadley and he will unlock the Leviathan VR Mission, defeat him.
Battle Intel Report 16: Monster Bio Pt. 4
– Condition: Assess 30 enemy types.
– Reward: Enemy Skill Materia
Same as Report 01.
Battle Intel Report 17: Weapon Abilities
– Condition: Acquire all 16 weapon abilities
– Reward: Skill Master Materia
There are 24 weapons in the game, though you only need 16 and have their ability maxed out (Max Proficiency). Each weapon has a different ability, equip the specific weapon and keep using its special ability until it reaches Max Proficiency, do this for 16 weapons.
Location for all 24 Weapons
Battle Intel Report 18: MP Consumption
– Condition: Master all 12 types of magic materia.
– Reward: MP Absorption Materia
Magic Materia are the green color materia, they level up by simply having them equipped on your active party member when you are fighting.
You can get this naturally as you can give almost 3 to each character and swap them when Maxed or keep repeating Colosseum fights in Chapter 9 on Classic Difficulty (AI controlled fights, no input from you).
Battle Intel Report 19: Monster Variants Pt. 2
– Condition: Defeat 10 unique varieties.
– Reward: HP Absorption Materia
Same as Report 09, should come naturally.
Battle Intel Report 20: Combat Simulation Bahamut
– Condition: Bahamut
– Reward: Bahamut Materia
Unlocks after completing all other 19 Reports, defeat Bahamut in the VR Mission to get his Summon Materia.

Weapons Expert
Learn all weapon abilities.

Master of Mimicry
Learn all enemy skills.
There are four enemy skills to be learned and you can learn them if you have the Enemy Skill Materia equipped, which can be bought from Chadley as early as Chapter 13.
So as soon as you reach Chapter 13, go to the Sector 5 Slums and talk with Chadley and buy the Enemy Skill Materia and equip it.
You will see a “Learn” text on the screen when you learn the specific ability and also it will show up on your abilities (Command Menu) list so you can track which ones you have.
Note: if you miss an Enemy Skill then you can Chapter Select and get the ones that you have missed.
Enemy Skill #1: Spirit Siphon (Chapter 14)
Enemy: Phantom (Side Quest: Missing Children)
Enemy Skill #2: Self-Destruct (Chapter 14)
Enemy: Smogger (Can be found north east of Sector 5 Slum)
Upon defeating him, just wait beside him and he will self destruct and thats when you will learn the ability.
Enemy Skill #3: Algid Aura (Chapter 15)
Enemy: Cerulean Drake (As you are climbing up you will see two Drakes (Flying monsters)
Enemy Skill #4: Bad Breath (Chapter 17)
Enemy: Malboro (Chapter Select to Chapter 17 and go to the Combat Simulator and choose the “Three-Person Team vs. Monsters of Legend”) Mission.
Note: Available on Hard Difficulty only.
Note: Upon defeating Malboro you will get the “That’s the Smell” trophy as well.

That’s the Smell
Defeat a malboro.
Chapter Select to Chapter 17, go to the Combat Simulator and choose the “Three-Person Team vs. Monsters of Legend” Mission.
Here you have to fight:
Round 1/5
Round 2/5
Round 3/5
Type-0 Behemoth
Round 4/5
Bomb and Tonberry
Round 5/5
Note: Make sure Enemy Skill Materia is equipped on the character you are controlling if you are aiming to get the Master of Mimicry trophy

Ultimate Weapon
Defeat the Pride and Joy prototype.
Pride and Joy prototype is the secret Super Boss in the game. You can access him after beating the game once and using Chapter Select to Chapter 17 and use the Combat Simulator where you can fight him.
Beating him will reward you the “GOTTERDAMMERUNG” accessory, its the best accessory in the game in my opinion as you will have your Limit Break ready as soon as you enter a battle.
NOTE: You will see “?????” at the bottom of the Combat List, you can fight him until you beat all fight challenges in the Colosseum and the Combat Simulator.

Hardened Veteran
Complete all chapters on Hard difficulty.
Hard difficulty will be unlock after beating the game once on any difficulty.
Of course on hard difficulty enemies will have more health and do more damage.
In Hard Difficulty you will not be able to use Items and benches on restore HP so make sure though MP Materia’s are leveled up.
After beating the game once, you will then earn 2x XP and 3x AP so getting your level to 50 and leveling up the Materia is way faster (Especially when linked with the double AP).