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There are a total of 12 Flower Wagon Part Locations in the game, all will contribute into creating 3 Wagons (1 Story Related, 2 Manully you have to collect).
You can start building the Wagons in Chapter 7 only after the story Related Quest starts and you have to Build a Flower Wagon for Aerith.
The 12 Parts are found between Chapter 2 and Chapter 7, but they have to done BEFORE the point of no return in Chapter 7 (The game warns you).
The below are in the order
Chapter 2: Flower Wagon Part: Craftsman Monthly
When the chapter starts, find the elevator and head outside the Shinra Building (You will be in front of a fountain), go to your left into Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue. You will find a man marked Yellow (!), speak with him to unlock Mission 1-2-1.
Now complete these missions from 1-2-1 all the way to 1-2-6 and speak to him again to get this part.
Chapter 3: Flower Wagon Part: Premium Tires
Speak to the SOLDIER 3RD Class in the Shinra HQ Briefing Room (Marked by yellow (!)). Mission 7-1-1 will be unlocked, so complete it all the way through 7-1-6 and speak to him again in the same place to get the part.
Chapter 5:
When the chapter starts, head to the room in front of you directly (TRAINING ROOM). You need to beat all 4 opponents in the squatting game to get 4 Flower Wagon Parts “Cool”
Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Lunch Cart Specs
Beat the Trooper in the Squatting Minigame.
Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Ceramic
Beat the Captain in the Squatting Minigame.
Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Treads
Beat the SOLDIER 3rd Class in the Squatting Minigame.
Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Solder
Beat the SOLDIER 2nd Class in the Squatting Minigame.
The squatting game guide: Flower Wagon Parts “Cool”
Chapter 5 : Flower Wagon Part: Mythril Tools
Complete Mission 2-1-1 all the way to 2-1-6, then speak to the Researcher in Shinra Building Exhibit Room (Go inside the alley near the Fountain to get inside the Shinra Building).
– M 2-1-1, speak to the Man standing upstairs in Sector 8 – Fountain to unlock it (He is marked by yellow “!” icon on map if you haven’t spoken to him previously).
– M 2-1-2, speak to the Women wearing a grey dress in Sector 8 – LOVELESS avenue to unlock it.
– M 2-1-3, speak to the girl in the Sector 5 Slums to unlock it, you can speak to here in Chapter 4 but you can go there again (From Sector 8 Fountain -> head upstairs to the east to enter the train station > enter slums at end of train station > you spawn in front of the girl)
– M 2-1-4, if you are still in Sector 5 – Slums then go out to Sector 5 – Streets and speak to the Girl.
– M 2-1-5, speak with the Trooper upstairs in Shinra Building Entrance.
– M 2-1-6, speak with the Researcher in Shinra Building Exhibit Room (You can enter the building from alley beside the Sector 8 – Fountain).
Talk to the same Researcher again after beating all 6 missions to get the Wagon Part (Mythril Tools). If the Researcher is not there then go out and come back to for him to spawn.
Chapter 5 : Flower Wagon Part: Walnut Wood / Trophy: Wutai’s Nemesis Guide:
Please make a manual save before attempting this.
Go to Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue and speak to the SOLDIER 2nd Class and agree to help find the Wutai Spies. You need to locate all 6 Spies to receive this as a reward.
NOTE: You must speak with each Spy 3 times and they must be found in a fixed order below:
1 – The Man walking in the street outside LOVELESS Avenue Theater
2 – The Shinra Trooper in Sector 5 Market (go there via from Sector 8 – Fountain -> Upstairs to enter the Train Station)
3 – The Male Shinra Employee coming out of the elevator in Shinra Building Entrance, upstairs.
If he doesn’t spawn, then run in circles downstairs and upstairs until he shows up in front of the elevators upstairs in the entrance area.
4 – The Woman talking to a man in Fountain area, outside the entrance to Sector 1 – Train Station
5 – The Shinra Employee in front of the rocket in the Shinra Building Exhibit Room
6 – The Kid with a hat in Sector 6 Slums Park (Fountain Area -> Upstairs to Train Station -> Market -> turn right to enter the Park).
Flower Wagon Part: Walnut Wood / Trophy: Wutai’s Nemesis Guide:
Chapter 7 (All-Story Related):
Flower Wagon Part: Used Tools
Flower Wagon Part: Old Lumber
Flower Wagon Part: Worn Tires
Flower Wagon Part: How to Build a Wagon
Chapter 7: 00:04
The story-related quest starts after picking up the first Flower Wagon Part.
Flower Wagon Part: Used Tools 00:49
Story Related
Flower Wagon Part: Old Lumber 01:31
Story Related
Flower Wagon Part: Worn Tires 02:58
Story Related
Flower Wagon Part: How to Build a Wagon 04:06
Story Related
Building the first Flower Wagon – 05:14
After building the first wagon as part of the story, return to Aerith and give her the parts for the wagon.
After this during the next cut-scene pick dialogue with the SOLDIER
“Wait, I need a little more time!”
Speak to Aerith again to Craft the 2 other Flower Wagons (Cute & Cool)
These two other Flower Wagons Parts can be found easily.
“Cool” Flower Wagon Parts are obtained by defeating all Soldiers in the Squating Mini-Game (Guide Attached earlier), while the “Cute” Flower Wagon Parts will take a bit of time.
The Cute and Cool Flower Wagons: 10:05
1- The Squat Game
On the same floor go to the Training Room
I have made a full separate video on this, press Triangle when Zack’s hands reach his Butt.
After every 5 successful squats, the rhythm will get faster so be a little fast to press the Triangle.
It’s easy once you get the hang of it.
You will get the following:
(Cool) Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Lunch Cart Specs
Beat the Trooper in the Squatting Minigame.
(Cool) Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Ceramic
Beat the Captain in the Squatting Minigame.
(Cool) Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Treads
Beat the SOLDIER 3rd Class in the Squatting Minigame.
(Cool) Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Solder
Beat the SOLDIER 2nd Class in the Squatting Minigame.
2- Chapter 5: You can do this anytime as long as you are not past Chapter 7
(Cute) Flower Wagon Part: Walnut Wood 16:45 (Video Guide Attached Earlier)
Flower Wagon Part: Walnut Wood / Trophy: Wutai’s Nemesis
Speak to the SOLDIER 2nd Class in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue and agree to help find the Wutai Spies.
Locate all 6 Spies to receive this as a reward. Must talk to each Spy 3 times, they must be found in a fixed order
3- Chapter 5 : (Cute) Flower Wagon Part: Mythril Tools (I explained it above but not covered in the video below).
Complete Mission 2-1-1 all the way to 2-1-6, then speak to the Researcher in Shinra Building Exhibit Room (Go inside the alley near the Fountain to get inside the Shinra Building).
– M 2-1-1, speak to the Man standing upstairs in Sector 8 – Fountain to unlock it (He is marked by yellow “!” icon on map if you haven’t spoken to him previously).
– M 2-1-2, speak to the Women wearing a grey dress in Sector 8 – LOVELESS avenue to unlock it.
– M 2-1-3, speak to the girl in the Sector 5 Slums to unlock it, you can speak to here in Chapter 4 but you can go there again (From Sector 8 Fountain -> head upstairs to the east to enter the train station > enter slums at end of train station > you spawn in front of the girl)
– M 2-1-4, if you are still in Sector 5 – Slums then go out to Sector 5 – Streets and speak to the Girl.
– M 2-1-5, speak with the Trooper upstairs in Shinra Building Entrance.
– M 2-1-6, speak with the Researcher in Shinra Building Exhibit Room (You can enter the building from alley beside the Sector 8 – Fountain).
Talk to the same Researcher again after beating all 6 missions to get the Wagon Part (Mythril Tools). If the Researcher is not there then go out and come back to for him to spawn.
4- Chapter 3: You can do this anytime as long as you are not past Chapter 7
(Cute) Flower Wagon Part: Premium Tires 24:43
Speak to the SOLDIER 3rd Class in Shinra HQ Briefing Room
(the room where you started the previous Chapter, accessed via SOLDIER Room).
This will unlock Mission 7-1-1. Complete through Mission 7-1-6 and then speak to the SOLDIER 3rd Class again
(he will respawn in the same spot as before after doing the missions).
5- Chapter 2: You can do this anytime as long as you are not past Chapter 7
(Cute) Flower Wagon Part: Craftsman Monthly 46:32
Same area. Speak to the Shinra Captain in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue. Marked by a yellow exclamation mark on the map.
This will unlock Mission 1-2-1. Complete Mission 1-2-6 and then speak to the Shinra Captain again.
Once you are done and have all parts for Cool & Cute Flower Wagon parts then speak with Aerith again in Chapter 7 after the Flower Wagon story-related quest.
You will create the remaining two and the trophy will pop.
Good Match for Aerith | Trophy Guide | Crisis Core FF VII Reunion شرح